When we take a look at the most frequent words with a wordcloud (wordmax =20), having eliminated the stopwords, the most evident ones describe elementary states: "Lust", "Kälte", "Licht", "Mann" Within this list, "Liebe" could be surprising, being or not being an elementary state? "Herz" of symbolic quality. "America" only appears in one song.
feature frequency docfreq relative frequency relative ranking
1 liebe 46 11 0.63428098 1
2 mann 45 11 0.46447375 6
3 gut 44 18 0.48527064 4
4 komm 43 9
5 ja 43 12
6 immer 42 19 0.50531695 3
7 sonne 42 15 0.45047007
8 nacht 41 18
9 licht 39 25 0.46691763 5
10 lust 37 8 0.45877258 8
"ich" indeed appears 523 times in 66 of the 92 documents, much more often than "liebe" with 46 appearances in only 11 documents.
Together, the list with stopwords with the entire wordbag give a first impression of what Rammstein texts are about.
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